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Monday, May 3, 2010

Thumbs - Journal 3: Things Start to Get Interesting.


My whole life changed today.

This is what happened. First of all, it started when I found Micheal Jackson on my floor. Dead. Yeah we knew he was dead already, but the question still remains- how did he get into a cheap apartment in Turkey, my home? I didn't know. I was scared.


Like.... REAALLLY scared.

And so then I observed that the left side of his skull was smashed inward. A trail of blood lead from his head to the window. This is so scary, the phone literally rang as soon as I finished typing. If you copy and paste this five times on some... thing, then your name will flash on the screen in big glittery letters. If you don't, you'll have 20 nanoseconds before the corpse of Micheal Jackson comes through the door and strangles you.

Haha. Just kidding.

Anyway, I followed the trail of blood to the window. Out on the streets below, I saw street vendors selling cheap useless crap. And then I saw it, a man giving another man a CD; a Micheal Jackson CD.

I felt it. I just felt it.

I needed that CD.

I quickly opened the window, and scanned for a way down. I jumped out the 5 story window, and landed on those little thingies... things... like those things, you know? The fabric covers over a street vendor's cart??

I rolled off the edge. The man who got the CD wore a dark, ominous, and highly overrated and overused trench coat, along with a dark fedora hat. I should have spotted him instantly, but I didn't.

And then... there he was. Looking at me. Pointing a gun at me. Ahhhh hollyy craaapp..... [To Be Continued....]

- The Journals of Haman J. Palamanikikila

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